in Berlin
in English
Desire is always what is inscribed as a repercussion of the articulation of language at the level of the Other

Lacan Reading Seminar
Reading group of Lacan's texts lead by Leon Brenner
Weekly readings of Lacan’s texts lead by Leon Brenner. The seminar is held every Tuesday at 7pm (Berlin time) in person.
Feminist Psychoanalysis Psychoanalytic Feminism Reading Group
Weekly readings of feminist texts written by psychoanalysts and psychoanalytic texts written by feminist writers. The group meets every Thursday at 7pm (Berlin time) via Zoom.
Academic Workshop
Workshop for academics working in intersecting fields
Monthly meetings where members of the group present their academic work, provide feedback and support. The group meets every last Sunday of the month.
Case Discussion Group
Intervision group in the Lacanian orientation lead by Alan Rowan
Fortnightly intervision sessions in the Lacanian orientation among members who are also practitioners. In person meeetings.
The Lamella fanzine is a quarterly publication bringing together the work of the members of Lacanian Affinities Berlin (laLAB). The fanzine embodies fabrications, ruminations, and critiques revolving around the group’s work in the field of Lacanian psychoanalysis. Its aim is to disseminate psychoanalytical knowledge in a format that transgresses disciplines.

About Us
Lacanian Affinities Berlin (laLAB) is a group composed of individuals coming from a plurality of backgrounds and cultural origins who have an affinity for the work of Jacques Lacan. The group was formed at Stillpoint Spaces Berlin, and its many ventures include: academic seminars, workshops, artistic projects, community events, publications of sorts and more. The group aims to augment Lacan’s teaching by producing cultural surplus that defies established boundaries between disciplines and practices.